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Irish Pub Night

2 februari 2024 20:00

Welcome the Irish Pub Festival in the Netherlands!

The Irish Pub Festival aims to recreate the feel and experience of the well known Temple Bar district in Dublin. We deliver the genuine feel of Ireland of by creating an evening of the best of Irish Traditional live music once a year in a towm called Deventer in The Netherlands.Through the years the Irish Pub festival has been visited by thousands of music lovers who contnue to return.

Bunch of Bastards

Tijdens het Irish Pub Festival spelen de Bunch of Bastards in Walhalla hun full force folk: de energie van punk en de melodie van folk, met banjo, mandoline, tin whistle en accordeon op stevige folkpunk basis. Iers geïnspireerd, met half-ierse zanger. Denk aan Pogues maar meer nog aan Flogging Molly. Ze spelen vanaf 21:00!


Voor meer info, check https://www.irishpubfestival.nl/

Alvast in de stemming komen met Bunch of Bastards? Deze playlist weet daar wel raad mee: Drink, Holler and Dance


2 februari 2024

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