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Walhalla on the Rocks! #2

23 januari 2016 20:00

De plek voor het nieuw alternatief!

Vultures is een powertrio, eind 2012 zijn Joppe (gitaar), Tom (bassist) en Henk (drummer) hun band begonnen. Ze putten inspiratie uit artiesten als Jimi Hendrix en Cream. Hun muziek doet denken aan de klassieke bluesrock van de jaren ’60 en ’70, maar door de flinke dosis funk, soul en structuur klinkt het fris en nieuw.

The Sound Alchemists
Our sound is most easily described as a mix of The Red Hot Chili Peppers, Rage Against The Machine and The Jimi Hendrix Experience but we don’t limit our sound to a specific genre or to specific influences. We have slow songs and we have fast songs. We make smooth music that blends in the background and we make music that stands in the limelight. We make music that’ll be ‘right up you ally’ and we make music that’ll make you wonder ‘what in tarnation is going on here’. We do what we do because we love creating a variety of songs that, like the members of the band, stand out from each other in their own right but still fit together like pieces of a boundless creative puzzle. We are ourselves and just that – We are The Sound Alchemists!


23 januari 2016 20:00
24 januari 2016 01:00

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